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Vegan-Friendly Restaurants

Use these resources to find restaurants in your state—or country—that will help you eat without cruelty

Since I'm no longer active, the outdated list of restaurants that I visited on the vegan lecture tour has been removed. Please check out Happy Cow for the most extensive, and current, list of vegan and vegan-friendly restaurants worldwide.

Vegan Dining in Israel

The Israeli animal liberation movement is growing by leaps and bounds, which means the veg restaurant scene is expanding. The following three sites will help you locate the best places for Israeli vegan food: GARY-TV, Vegan-Friendly, and Vegan-Friendly's Facebook page.

V-Cards...When You're Not Near a Veg-Friendly Restaurant

Mike Weinberg, former professor at Grossmont College near San Diego, California, has come up with an ingenious idea: V-Cards, helping to ensure that you get a cruelty-free meal while educating restaurants for the next vegan who walks through the door! Says Mike, “Vegan restaurants are fantastic, but eating vegan at other restaurants can be challenging, especially in foreign countries. Call beforehand to see what options are available. Many chefs relish the challenge of preparing a special vegan meal just for you. At the restaurant, hand a V-Card to your waiter to ensure your meal is completely free of animal products.” V-Cards are available in over 100 languages as of April 2018, and prove very resourceful when you're traveling in other countries. Get V-Cards here.